Sunday, December 19, 2010

Luppp: More features


Luppp got its chrismas pressie early: Live audio input. As well as this, the start of a "timeline" class has been made, and this allows any recorded loops to stay in sync with eachother... :-)

GUI stuff has been deleted except for the re-usable stuff, and over the next while I intend to get some basic waveform & mixer widgets implemented. That is if i can stop myself recording all sorts of crazy sounds & looping them.

Till next, -Harry

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Luppp: Update? Nah News!


Here's the deal: Luppp has been brought back to life. Not only same code is being re-used, but other projects have joined forces and now co-exist with Luppp.

This makes all the features from the other projects easier to implement in Luppp, like looping a .wav file, like processing automation data, providing LADSPA plugins.. :-)

The front-end needs work dratically, its basically just an OSC & terminal application atm. But that's all gonna change. Plans are made to scrap the "internal OSC" mode, in favour of being able to access the waveform data etc in the GUI thread. Nessisary evil for a nice program. Oh well.

Also the GUI will be totally reworked from 0, just like the engine was. This will provide more stable & maintainable code, as what I wrote a couple of years ago isn't quite what most would concider acceptable.. :-P

Will post here once there's new features... -Harry

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Exams Idea's and Audio

Hey guys,

With exams looming in the next two weeks and projects to be finished there's definatly enough to be done. At the same time there's some nice ideas popping up around the place.

I've understood the C++ principle of composition, which will allow for neater more sustainable code. In my mind there's some better idea's of how Luppp Automate reSampler etc need to be integrated into one larger program.

Also some messing about with a windows build has been done... apart from LibLO, and Pthreads I've got most of it sorted out. :-)

Next update after the exams! -Harry