Thursday, June 23, 2011

Luppp: Midi Mapping


Today was a productive day, Luppp can now take a MIDI CC, and map it to almost parameter you'd care to mention. Currently if an unknown MIDI CC comes in, it auto-maps that to the last used parameter, but I want to create a nice interface that allows one to change the mappings manually, and of course create presets & such.

No screenshot, its functionality that you'll find in the engine! Perhaps a little demo clip at one point.. who knows. Later!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Luppp: 20,000 loc Lv2 support & a CSound display

Hey hey,

20,000 lines of code, some LV2 support, and the beginnings of a CSound haul-over.
For now a quick post, with the mandatory screenshots, later some more info on how its intended to support some of the (fancy) LV2 features like the instance access, and some others :)

Embedding LV2 gui's into the Luppp ui. Pop out windows will be supported too at some point :)
And a CSound text editor based on Gtk Source View, a csound.lang file must be created to syntax highlight all the opcodes & that

Till next! -Harry